Dignetic Digital Marketing Agency

Refund and Cancellation Policy

1. Refund Eligibility:

We offer a refund of 20-30% of the total service fee if the agreed-upon work has not been completed as per our initial agreement. This policy is designed to address situations where deliverables do not meet the specified requirements.

2. Requesting a Refund:

To request a refund, please follow these steps:

Submit a written request detailing the issue and specifying the work that was not completed.

Include your project details and any supporting documentation.

Requests must be submitted within 15 days of the service delivery date.

3. Refund Processing:

We will review your request and assess the situation to determine the appropriate refund amount.

Refunds will be processed within 15 business days of request approval.

4. Refund Amount:

Refunds will be between 20-30% of the total service fee, based on the extent to which the agreed-upon work was incomplete.

5. Non-Refundable Items:

Please note that fees for initial consultations, non-recoverable expenses, and any work that was completed as per the agreement are non-refundable.

6. Exceptions:

Any special circumstances or exceptions to this policy will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Please contact us for further details.

7. Cancellation Before Project Commencement

Full Cancellation:

If you wish to cancel your project before we have begun work, no fees will be charged. Please inform us as soon as possible to avoid any inconvenience.

Partial Cancellation:

If only a portion of the services is canceled before work begins, you will only be billed for the remaining services that continue.

8. Cancellation After Project Commencement

Cancellation with Notice:

If you cancel the project after work has commenced but before the agreed delivery date, you will be charged for the work completed up to the cancellation date. The remaining balance of the project fee will not be billed.

Cancellation Fee:

A cancellation fee of 20-30% of the total project cost may apply if significant work has been undertaken. This fee helps cover the time and resources already invested in your project.

9. How to Cancel

To cancel a project, please provide written notice via email or letter. Include your project details, the reason for cancellation, and the preferred outcome (e.g., full cancellation, partial cancellation).


Upon receiving your cancellation request, we will acknowledge it and confirm any fees or outstanding amounts due.

Project Rescheduling:

If you need to reschedule rather than cancel, we will do our best to accommodate the new timeline without additional fees.

10. Contact Information:

For any refund-related inquiries, please contact us at:-



Address-Plot No.432, Sector-4, Vaishali, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, 201010.